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Villages: (352) 750-0019 Directions »
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Achieve your desired body

Achieve a more youthful, healthy and proportionate appearance by removing loose skin and stubborn areas of fat.


Mommy Makeover

A Mommy Makeover combines several of our surgical prcedures to help women regain their bodies after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Tummy Tuck

Flatten, smooth, and contour the abdominal region by surgically removing excess skin and fat caused by pregnancy and weightloss.


Liposuction surgery improves body shape by removing exercise-resistant pockets of fat and tightening the skin with minimal scarring.

Body Contouring/Lift

A Body Lift removes excess skin and fat from the sides and back of your body. Achieve effective results and return to a youthful figure.

Brazilian Butt Lift

Achieve a rounder, shapelier buttocks with a Brazilian butt lift.

Arm Lift

Feel confident sleeveless again! Remove the loose skin and tissue under your arms removing whats commonly known as “Batwings”.

Thigh Lift

Thigh lifts are an effective procedure to help tighten loose skin in the thighs and buttocks area often seen after massive weight loss.


Vaginal rejuvenation surgery of the labia. Improve the appearance of your vagina, or improve comfort during intercourse.

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    Request your free COSMETIC Consultation*. We look forward to hearing from you!
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    *Complimentary consultations are for cosmetic procedures and cosmetic treatments only and not for dermatology or insurance consults.